He’s asleep,
It’s starting to rain outside
Almost 4am,
I am dancing
With some strange dancers,
And it is as it is written,
Everything as it is
Just in its essence,
The color as one color,
The Scarlet as Ruby,
The Ruby as Wine,
Wine as blood,
The blood coming off my cunt
And the hands of the Magician
Moving like a wand.
Have you called Astaroth,
To stretch and lick me?
Here’s the key,
Reveal it to me.
All that it stands above
And below
In this realm,
I do believe
I gave him a shooting star
I’ll have my wish,
I gave him a shooting star.
Closing my eyes I can be there,
I move forwards, backwards
I see faces clearly
More than before.
I feel my eyes rolling
I am disappearing in this bed
It’s a hole swallowing me
My eyes rolling up
Up my legs, down my crown
I am there, but I am smiling.
I stay in silence, I am sober
I found the hole,
Walking the time, Alchemist
The power of a Camera in a mind, Now I shall master the Light...
I shall,too, master the Darkness.