Finally a new blog post!! I have been extremely busy with my mom coming to visit me for the first time in London (it was amazing and soul filling) and on the day she went back to Lisbon we went together to the airport and I flew to Dublin, Ireland.
I went to meet my current partner who is working on an Opera Festival in Wexford and I organized a small tour for the 6 days I was there. My tour was very successful, having worked with amazing people and I hope to work again with them when I come back to Ireland!
Another reason for being a bit absent is also that on the day after I came back from Ireland my amazing best friend who I deeply consider a brother ,and if you follow me on social media I am sure you have noticed that, flew from Lisbon to London to spend over a month with me! Meanwhile we have been enjoying our time together and filming and creating weird sounds for our next short film together... yes of course there will be another one, do you think we would stop after OINC? That was just the beginning...
Anyway, enough rambling!
In one of those great shoots in Ireland, I met the amazing Philip Devereux (you can check his social media here: that welcomed me with the warmest smile and great chat before a shoot that would become so fruitful as ours.
Philip aims to portray the Divinity of Women in all his work and that was clear to me even before we had started taking any photographs. I could go on and speak of how much me and Philip connected and of how much I want to shoot with him again but I believe that the best thing is let the images speak... And if you bring me a cross, roses, silky fabrics and an incredible Artist and his artwork for inspiration on what we are going to do... I will have lots of fun and become someone else haha
Jokes aside, here are the amazing photos that Philip took and edited, making those colors so lush and vibrant!
Thank you so much Philip!